Sawmill Production Declines During First Quarter


The production index for sawmills and wood preservation industries fell at the start of 2024 to 91.9 in the first quarter (the index measures real output during 2017 at a level of 100). This is the second straight decline for the quarterly level according to the Federal Reserve’s recent release of G.17 data. The index fell 4.3% in the first quarter of 2024, after also falling 4.3% during the previous quarter. Compared to a year ago, production was 3.8% lower at the start of 2024. To provide a better understanding of the sawmill and wood preservation industries, the Census Bureau’s Quarterly Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization is another source of interest. This data comes from quarterly surveys of U.S. domestic manufacturing plants and includes a subindustry grouping of sawmills and wood preservation firms. These estimates of utilization rates are based on full production capability, meaning the utilizations rates are found by taking the market value of actual production during the quarter and dividing by an estimated market value of what the firm could have produced at full production capacity. The sawmill and wood preservation industry full utilization rates fell marginally for the second straight quarter, from 60.8% to 60.4%. This decline explains part of the production decline for the industry. Additionally, as average plant hours per week in operation fell for these firms, the decline was not due to an increase in production capacity of these firms but rather a decline in output as the plants were in operation for fewer hours. Notably, employment at these firms has fallen since the first quarter of 2023. The 2023 level of employment stood at 93,130, while by the first quarter of 2024 this level fell to 89,260. Employment among sawmills fell for every quarter of 2023. The Great Recession had a substantial impact on this industry, as employment fell from 105,630 in the first quarter of 2008 to a series low of 80,470 in the fourth quarter of 2009. Employment rose from this low in 2009 to 91,000 in 2014 and has remained around this level for the last ten years.   By combining the production index and utilization rates, we can compose a rough estimate of what the current production capacity is for U.S. sawmills and wood preservation firms. Shown below is a quarterly estimate of the production capacity index. This capacity index measures the real output if all firms were operating at their full capacity. Because the data is volatile, computing a moving average of utilization rates, the production index and capacity index are shown below to provide a clearer picture of the industry. Based on the data above, sawmill production capacity increased from 2015 but remains lower than peak levels in 2010. Production by sawmills continues to be higher mainly because the mills are running at higher than historical levels of utilization, as shown in black above. Much of the addition in capacity has been recent, as utilization rates have fallen but production continues to run at higher levels.   Discover more from Eye On Housing Subscribe to get the latest posts sent to your email.

Sawmill Production Declines During First Quarter2024-07-24T13:22:20-05:00

Mixed Price Changes for Building Materials in April


Inputs to residential construction, goods less food and energy, increased for the sixth consecutive month, according to the most recent producer price index (PPI) report published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The index for inputs to residential construction, goods less food and energy, represents building materials used in residential construction. The non-seasonally adjusted index increased 0.14% in April after increasing a revised 0.50% in March and 0.47% in February. The index is up 2.77% from April 2023, the largest yearly increase since 2.80% in February of 2023. The average yearly change, over all 12 months, was 2.50% in 2020, 14.62% in 2021, 15.18% in 2022, and 1.34% in 2023. Over the first four months of 2024, the average change was 2.32%. The seasonally adjusted PPI for final demand increased 2.18% from last year, the largest yearly increase since April 2023 (2.30%). Over the month, the final demand index rose 0.56%. From the BLS, “Nearly three-quarters of the April advance in final demand prices is attributable to a 0.55% increase in the index for final demand services. Prices for final demand goods moved up 0.44%”. The seasonally adjusted PPI for softwood lumber increased 6.20% in April. This was the largest month-over-month increase since January of 2022 when the index shot up 21.56% over the month. From April of 2023, the index was 4.31% lower. The non-seasonally adjusted PPI for gypsum building materials fell 0.74% in April.  Despite falling over the month, prices for gypsum building materials were 1.00% higher than April of last year. The seasonally adjusted PPI for ready-mix concrete fell for the first time in four months, down 0.27% in April. Prices for ready-mix concrete have continued to increase since 2021, as this was only the fourth price decline since January 2021. Year-over-year, ready-mix concrete prices were 8.04% higher. The non-seasonally adjusted PPI for steel mill products fell for the second straight month, down 2.67% for April after an 8.10% decline in March. Prices for steel mill products are 9.79% lower than last year. The non-seasonally adjusted special commodity grouping PPI for copper rose 3.46% in April. Over the year, the index was up 4.46%. Copper futures pricing, not shown here, was trading near $4.90 per pound as of today, its highest level since early 2022 at $5.00 per pound. Discover more from Eye On Housing Subscribe to get the latest posts to your email.

Mixed Price Changes for Building Materials in April2024-05-14T11:17:11-05:00

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