Should You Fix That Before You Sell?


Making repairs before you list your home can positively affect the selling price and how quickly you attract a buyer. But do you need to fix everything before you put it on the market? Not all projects will be worth the time and money. Here are a few questions to consider to make your property more appealing. Does your home make a good first impression? A broken fence, overgrown yard, or rusted porch railing can make your home appear run down. Spend time removing clutter, fixing eye sores, cleaning the windows, or replacing damaged screens to make the home more inviting. Do you need to replace the flooring? Adding new carpet or wood flooring can provide a good return on investment if there is a lot of wear and tear. However, if it’s in decent shape, replacing flooring to put in something that the new owner may switch out might not be cost-effective. If needed, refinish the hardwood or professionally clean the carpet to give it new life. Is it necessary to paint? Fixing faded, scuffed, or peeling paint can make the house’s exterior look newer. It’s also a good idea to paint over bright colors that may turn off buyers. Choose a standard, neutral color to lighten up the space. Are renovations worth it? Depending on the age and design, you may not need a complete kitchen or bath remodel. But if you started a project, you should finish it. An unfinished project can affect the home’s selling price and may limit potential buyers to someone looking for a fixer-upper. Contact a REALTOR® for advice on improving your property value and getting the most out of your home sale.

Should You Fix That Before You Sell?2024-09-10T01:27:18-05:00

Stress Less When Buying or Selling a Home


Real estate transactions often involve large sums of money and emotional decisions, so it’s no wonder people get stressed. Consider these strategies to help you move through the process with ease. Clarify Your Goals What is your main motivation for buying or selling? Clarity helps you avoid anxieties brought on by distractions. For example, if your top reason to move is more space for your family, you won’t face a difficult decision when you tour a house with beautiful features but no more space than your current home. Get Time On Your Side When possible, build in enough time to avoid spur-of-the-moment decisions or unrealistic deadlines. Yes, external factors like a job relocation or a hot market can necessitate quick responses, but there’s a difference between being prepared to act and setting arbitrarily short time frames. Remember, a successful transaction requires coordination with the other party and providers such as title companies, inspectors, surveyors, and others. Just because you can move quickly doesn’t mean everyone else can meet that timeline. Focus On Positives You may experience a few bumps on the path toward your home purchase or sale. Simply being aware that surprises may pop up can relieve some pressure when they do. When challenges do arise, balance out those concerns by remembering the positives of moving, such as fresh opportunities, a beneficial transaction, and new friends. The best way to avoid stress when buying or selling a home is to work with a REALTOR®. Your REALTOR® is the professional who can guide you through the steps to achieve your real estate dreams.

Stress Less When Buying or Selling a Home2023-08-08T00:15:15-05:00

You Received an Offer, Now What?


Congratulations! You have received an offer—or maybe more than one—to purchase your home. Before you say yes, review the terms. Remember: while price is certainly important, an offer is more than just a number. Consider these factors when working with your REALTOR® to decide what to do. Does the Timing Work for You? You need to move to your next address. You might be buying another home yourself. An offer that works with your timetable will be more appealing than one with a quick turnaround or that is otherwise inconvenient. Buyers may even be willing to temporarily rent your home back to you after the transaction closes. Has a Buyer Offered To Pick Up Some of Your Costs? Buyers may sweeten the deal by offering to pay for some of the sellers’ closing costs. Though that amount is not part of the purchase offer, it increases your bottom line. How Much Will They Put in Earnest Money and the Termination Option Fee? Some buyers will show their interest with a large earnest money payment. They may also include a large option fee, which you can keep if the buyer chooses to terminate the contract. Are There Other Factors at Play? There are many aspects of an offer that can make a deal more or less appealing to you, such as factors related to appraisals, surveys, financing, termination options, and more. Your REALTOR® can help you sort through the criteria that matter most to you and can help you find the best offer for your home. When you hire a REALTOR®, you have an advocate for closing the best deal possible

You Received an Offer, Now What?2023-04-18T00:16:47-05:00

Factors To Consider With Multiple Offers


It’s a hot market, and you’ve received multiple offers for your house. The highest bid wins, right? Sometimes, but not always. A high-dollar offer might come with a lot of stipulations and other complications. Consider these questions when making your decision: What Are the Buyer’s Conditions? Buyers can put all kinds of things in an offer. They can request an option to terminate, ask for repairs, see if you’ll leave the appliances, and make the offer contingent upon the sale of their current home. Your REALTOR® can help you decide what is reasonable. How is the Buyer Paying? Without cash or a letter from a lender, your buyer may not be able to afford the price he’s proposing. Your REALTOR® can help you tremendously by making sure that anyone who places an offer on your home is qualified. Does Their Closing Date Line Up With Yours? If not, this leads to more questions: How flexible can you be? If your next home isn’t ready, are the buyers open to renting the house back to you? If so, how much would they charge for rent? How Much Earnest Money is Included? Earnest money is an amount a potential buyer will put towards the sale in advance of the closing to show he’s entering into this transaction in good faith. A high amount of earnest money usually indicates a serious buyer. If the transaction closes, the money counts toward the down payment; if it doesn’t close, the seller in some circumstances gets to keep the earnest money. Don’t forget to talk to your REALTOR® when reviewing offers to get additional insights on choosing the best offer.

Factors To Consider With Multiple Offers2021-09-28T02:21:22-05:00

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